Stable Secretary Updates

Stable Secretary releases updates regularly. Email or call 617.564.1241 with suggestions and feedback.

Coming Soon:

Online software: Add Tools to open Schedule to enable clients to sign up; updates to Breeding tools.
Mobile app: enhancements for Invoices Report; Breeding Reports.

November 2024:

Update to online software: NEW Add Basic Reminder.
Mobile app: performance improvements – 3.35.0.

October 2024:

Update to online software: share Agenda tool.
Mobile app: performance improvements – 3.34.0.

September 2024:

Update to online software: NEW Add Basic Events form.
Mobile app: share Agenda tool; performance improvements.

August 2024:

Update to online software: NEW QB Export-Invoice option.

July 2024:

Update to online software: NEW Service Records for Competitions; Improvements to Managing Tags; NEW Contacts Report for Due Dates; additional “unpaid” filter for Invoices Report.

June 2024:

Update to mobile app: NEW Checklist for Schedule items; add Attachment to new Payment Received; new pickers throughout app.

May 2024:

Update to online software: NEW form to add Health Records by Vet appointment; changes to various Reports.

April 2024:

Update to online software & mobile app: Redesigned Reports Dashboard.

March 2024:

Update to online software & mobile app: Added option to give Owner/Billpayer Team Member Type more permissions.

February 2024:

Update to online software & mobile app: Restructured Renewal Records to generate reminders for any Renewal type necessary.

January 2024:

Update to online software: Added ability to create multiple invoices, and to email multiple invoices; added ability to export Records list as CSV.

Update to mobile app: Added lease renewals; added share/print for more Reports.

November 2023:

Update to online software: Added tool to convert MULTIPLE Scheduled Events into Service Records.

Update to mobile app: Added login by biometrics; added owner groups to email tool.

October 2023:

Update to online software: Added “duplicate event” tool to Schedule; added view of schedule for owner/billpayer team members.

Update to mobile app: Added upload tool for Horses and a timeline view on schedule.

September 2023:

Update to online software: Added search by microchip; added owner-groups to email; UI upgrade.

Update to mobile app: Added notifications to schedule; added search by microchip; performance improvements.

June 2023:

Update to online software: Added notifications to bulletin board.

Update to mobile app: more products available for sale on Apple store.

May 2023:

Update to online software: Added bulletin board to online software; Added PDF to invoices.

Update to mobile app: QR code for Horses; updates to Records views; Updates to Reports.

April 2023:

Update to online software: Added email notifications to Schedule Changes.

March 2023:

Update to online software: Email tool; Elavon integration as another option for online payments; enhancements to subscription process; other bug fixes and performance improvements.

February 2023:

Update to mobile app: addition of Dark Mode; bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Update to online software: Stripe integration to handle payments for invoices; ability to add online payment fee to invoices at checkout if customer pays online.

January 2023:

Update to online software: new Account filter on Records list; remember filter for Invoices list; set time zone for weekly Reminders email message; better Currency display.

November 2022:

Update to mobile app: bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Update to online software: Resources and Filters added to Schedule; new Views added to Schedule.

September 2022:

Update to mobile app: Scheduling Tool added to mobile app.

Update to online software: Recurring patterns added to Scheduling tool; enhancements to other existing features.

June 2022:

Update to mobile app: add Breeding Records forms.

May 2022:

Update to online software: Scheduling tool – Tasks, Appointments, Customizations; enhancements to existing features.

Update to mobile app: back-end upgrades; enhancement to existing features.

January 2022:

Update to online software: Invoicing Process Improvements (status, draft vs. final, and more); Show/Hide Criteria on Reports; New Renewal type for Lease.

December 2021:

Update to online software: Ability to edit Team Member roles/permissions! NEW Exports for Horse Health Report, Financial Services Report Feed Cart! Invoicing updates – Print Preview button and Show Total on Save.

November 2021:

Update to online software & mobile app: Ability to add Owner-Groups and invoice Group Members for their percentage share; Ability for Health Providers to login to Stables via mobile app; Many enhancements to Invoicing functionality and navigation for Professional Product users.

July 2021:

Update to online software: Horses Information CSV Export.

June 2021:

Update to online software: Consolidated Activity (Records & Notes) page with better filters; Ability to add all Vitals in one form; New “type” for General Health Records for improved reporting and reminders.

Updates to mobile app: New Recent Activity Report; Filter Contacts by tags and roles; and more performance improvements and bug fixes.

April 2021:

Update to online software & mobile app: New Vitals & Diagnostics health categories; miscellaneous improvements.

March 2021:

Update to online software: HUGE update to online Financials section online – new tool for Payments, new Financial Reports, new Invoice Settings.

Update to mobile app: Financial Reports & Add Payment button on Mobile app; new Share button to share Info Sheet for Horses; New Temperatures report.

October 2020:

General enhancements and bug fixes to online software and mobile app.

July 2020:

Quick Direct Access to Horse or Person Profile Page from upper navigation; New Comments fields for Farrier/Vet/Dentist notes; Sort and Print Reminders; Customization for ALL List Items; Improvements to Competitions Interface.

April 2020:

Improved timezone support for online software and mobile app; Ongoing modifications and enhancements to online software and mobile app.

March 2020:

Released NEW user interface for online software! Also upgraded systems “behind-the-scenes” for better processing.

January 2020:

Added new product “Go!” which is a mobile-only plan. Also allows user to manage account information from the mobile app.

November 2019:

Updates to Mobile app: New Reports – Horse Information, Past Health, Health Due Dates, and Horse Ownership Details.

Updates for online software: miscellaneous improvements.

August 2019:

Updates to Mobile App include additional functionality for Contacts, like showing their associated Horses and adding a records tab to their profile screen, and improved functionality for Horses, like showing records chronologically; displaying Lessee info on main screen; enabling users to light-box the horse image; and automatically updating health record due dates.

Updates for online software: add Default Message for all invoices; add Due Date Default for all invoices; show Horses Owned on Person Profile Page; restructure Recent Records page; add option for attachment to records online; and other miscellaneous improvements.

May 2019:

Added tons of horsepower to Mobile App: manage Tags and Tag Horses; manage Feed and view Feed list; add Quantities to service records; add and view Notes for Horses; new layout for Horse Profile Page.

Invoicing updates for online software: add Quantities to service records; add records from other Accounts to an invoice; control Invoice Settings for subtotals and comments; miscellaneous improvements to Recurring Events and Information Sheets.

April 2019:

Feed List upgrades for online software: a new Feed Chart for the whole Stable! This upgrade makes it easier to add and manage Feed for individual Horses; to filter Feed List by Horses or by Tagged Groups; and to print Feed List by Horses or by Tagged groups.

Mobile app: Additional fields to view and edit for Horses; Ability to Archive Horses, and ability to view Archived Horses and Archived People on mobile app!

March 2019:

Tagging tools for online software: a new tool enables users to create Tags and assign them to Horses and People. This makes it easy to create Groups, and then to add records to Groups, view reports by Groups, and more!

More functionality for “People” on mobile app: options to edit, delete, and archive People through the mobile app.

February 2019:

Restructuring of Medications for online software and mobile app: improved interface, tools, and processes to manage medications and add medication records to the Horses in your Stable. For example, now you can add Medications to a group of Horses on the mobile app!

January 2019:

Mobile app – Version 3!!! Some of the new features include: Use search boxes to quickly find Horses and Contacts; Add a record to multiple Horses at once; Track which Contact administered each Service record; Find info easily on each Horse Profile Page; Faster and more stable app; Easier navigation; and much, much more…

December 2018:

Addition of “administered by” field to Service Records; Optimization of Reports.

October 2018:

Addition of Notes records to Horses.

August 2018:

Ongoing modifications and enhancements to existing features.

April 2018:

Ongoing modifications and enhancements to existing features.

February 2018:

Added Report for Services; Added Report for Contacts; Added Search Field to Contacts page.

January 2018:

Added “Help” link to each page; Added fields for Horses and People; Made improvements to Horse Summary Sheets.

November 2017:

Implementation of Quickbooks Export for Professional Users

October 2017:

Upgrade to Invoicing feature.

August 2017:

Improved layout of Setup page; Added Primary Vet and Primary Farrier to Due Dates Report.

July 2017:

Upgraded Health Provider login for vets, farriers, and other providers.

May 2017:

Integration with Equestrian Payment Solutions

March 2017:

Customized Settings for International Users; Ability to upload files for People; Search Terms on Invoices.

January 2017:

Improvements to Invoicing Feature; Redesign of Horse Uploads section.

December 2016:

Mobile App Upgrades; Additional Fields for Horse Profiles and Person Profiles.

August 2016:

Ability to transfer horses from one account to another; New look for Horse Summary Pages; Ability to upload liability release forms to People; Ability to download a csv file for People; Ability to enter Full Date of Birth for Horses (not just Year Foaled).

June 2016:

Ability for users to track breeding records for all horses in Stable (available in Performance and Professional versions); Customized Membership and Registration Numbers for Horses and People; User Interface improvements to Recent Records listing and Horse Profile Page.

April 2016:

Ability for users to add service providers (such as vets, farriers, therapists, etc) so that they can view information about the horses in their Stable Secretary account.

March 2016:

New Competitions Feature to track Competitions, Points, Winnings, and Results.

February 2016:

Ability for users to give access with specified permissions to staff, other team members, and owners to their Stable Secretary account.

October 2015:

Mobile App Update: included an updated look, an improved navigation system, and the ability to add images to records and to add new medications from your phone.

September 2015:

Free Trial release; New Product release: Stable Secretary Essentials – gives users a product for most essential health record-keeping.

June 2015:

More detailed Coggins, Passport, and FEI tracking – for both documents and renewals.

April 2015:

New Recurring Events Feature (set up and record Recurring Services, Therapies, Medications, and General Health Events on the Web app); New Invoicing Report to list and count your Invoicing Items.

February 2015:

New Cost Report (view costs and charges by horse, owner, bill-payer, or service type); Ability to add multiple Vaccines, Therapies, Joint Injections, and General Health Events to one or more horses on one Add Health Record form.

January 2015:

New Health Category “Therapies”; Display Show Name throughout App if that Setting is selected; Mobile App updates (download your horses’ Coggins and Vaccine Certificate forms from mobile app).

December 2014:

Mobile App updates (add more details to Medication records from your phone; use default prices when you add Service records from your phone; bug fix for adding Vaccinations from the phone; and other improvements).

October 2014:

User interface and formatting changes (improved format for printed reports, summary sheets, and invoices); New Add Service Record form; Unlimited uploads for forms, documents, pictures, and videos; Additional information storage per Horse (new fields for primary vet, farrier, and rider); New email address management tool to designate whom in your barn should receive alerts and updates; Expanded invoicing options and flexibility (accept online payments, include a logo, include horse picture on your invoices).

September 2014:

Mobile App updates: Add horses; Add people; View more information entered for horses; View more information entered for people.

June 2014:

User Interface changes: Navigation; new Add Health Record form.

April 2014:

Expanded invoicing options and flexibility (improved format for Printed Invoices, ability to set a Payment Due Date, a new Notes field for an optional message, additional information on Line Items, ability to filter by Client, ability to sort by Reference #, Date Range, Current Balance, Due Date, and/or Sent Status, ability to view the Date Range).

March 2014:

Mobile App updates (change dates for Health and Service records, add notes to Service records, add Horse Temperatures, and other expanded functionality).

February 2014:

Added checkboxes for completed Reminders; New Temperature Tracking feature; Improved format for Due Dates Report.

November 2013:

New Reports section (customized List of Information about one, some, or all horses; customized List of Due Dates or Past Health Records for one, some, or all horses; customized Calendar showing the Due Dates and Past Health Records for one, some, or all horses; customized List of Billing Contact Information for one, some, or all horses; customized Entry Blank stickers for horses and people in your Stable).

October 2013:

Additional information storage per Horse (new Archived Horses list, new Lease information, membership and other logistical number tracking); Additional information storage per Contact (Membership Card Numbers, USHJA Numbers, Social Security Numbers, Birth Dates, and more).

August 2013:

New Calendar section; Expanded invoicing options and flexibility (track payments received, track balance due, include reference numbers and other invoice details); Additional information storage per Horse (enter notes on tack, turnout, and other activities, and upload vaccination report documents).

May 2013:

Expanded invoicing options and flexibility (make invoice for any contact, include more details for each record, email invoices to multiple addresses, and mark invoices as paid); Changes to Medication Records Feature (assign Medication Prescriptions and Details to all Horses at once or to Individual Horses, specify administrator of medication); Additional information included for Horses and Health and Service records on the Mobile App.

April 2013:

Additional information storage per Horse (Breeding Info, FEI Registration, Coggins Document, Insurance Phone Number, and more); Additional items in lists (additional Breeds, Colors, Feed Measures, Medications and Medication Units and Types); Improved speed in Add Service Record form on the web app.