Nestled in the quaint, rural town of Elizabeth, Colorado, Harmonized Horsemanship is dedicated to fostering a natural connection between horses and humans. Through a diverse range of programs tailored to meet various needs, Harmonized Horsemanship places utmost importance on nurturing the bond between horse and human. The core belief which their philosophy stems from is that once a relationship is established, limitless possibilities unfold.
About Jess Roberts
Jess Roberts, the owner and trainer at Harmonized Horsemanship, brings a wealth of expertise as a horse trainer and equine behaviorist. Her specialization is nurturing the partnership between horses and humans. Jess’s unique approach to horse training is designed to ensure fulfillment for both the horse and human. Her methods tie together a variety of training techniques and approaches, resulting in a strong connection that cultivates a cooperative and content partnership. As an equine behaviorist, Roberts focuses on getting to the root cause of behavioral issues in horses versus simply training it out of them. Jess firmly believes that horses are exceptionally intelligent and sensitive creatures, willing to wholeheartedly cooperate and fulfill any request made of them. This is, however, after a foundation of deep and genuine friendship is established. Jess’s equestrian journey began in the hunter/jumper sector. However, in 2016, she embarked on an educational quest to dive into the details of equine cognition and learning. This experience led her to a revelation, where she found an entirely new approach to interacting with, and understanding horses. It has changed her entire life!
The Facility
Harmonized Horsemanship operates from a sprawling 35-acre training facility, which accommodates 20-25 horses at any given time. The majority of these horses enjoy communal living in group pastures, while those who require it, reside in stalls/runs. One of the noteworthy features of the facility are the two track systems. These track systems are designed to replicate the natural movements and behaviors observed in wild horses. They consist of a 15-foot perimeter encircling each of the larger pastures, with feeding stations placed around them. This layout ensures that the horses engage in continuous movement throughout the day and night, encouraging both physical health and mental stimulation. This ultimately contributes to their overall well-being.
Jess’s Training & Background
Roberts noted the exciting opportunity she was given, four times, to train with Frederic Pignon. Pignon was the original creator of the show Cavalia. Two of these experiences took place in Colorado, and the other two were in France.
When asked about her proudest achievements, Roberts mentioned the pride she takes in starting or restarting horses each year. “It always feels so good to be able to take a horse who has never been ridden (or one who has trauma from being ridden poorly) and put a first ride on them bareback in a halter.” The partnership and trust she gains with each horse is always so rewarding to her.
Moving forward, a major goal is to really amp up Harmonized Horsemanship’s online training program and create more virtual options for people around the country who are trying to help improve their relationship with their horse, or overcome specific roadblocks and issues. Jess loves showing people how simple it is to transform their horse’s life just by slowing down and paying more attention to body language, energetic cues, etc.
Using StableSecretary
Roberts has been utilizing StableSecretary for nearly a year. She was introduced to it through the recommendation of her colleague and friend, Sarah Watson, who highly recommended its effectiveness. Jess decided to explore StableSecretary based on Sarah’s experience and has found it to be an exceptional tool for her equestrian management needs.
“It’s so nice to be able to have details for all of the horses in one place. Not only can I keep track of age/ownership/etc., but I am able to have their feeding schedules, supplements, and their training records… all in one place.”
Jess Roberts’ favorite aspect of StableSecretary is its ability to record training records. She particularly values the ability to personalize and create categories for various types of training sessions, which aligns with her diverse training programs. Unlike many other available apps that offer only generic categories like “ride, lunge, groom, etc.” without the ability to modify or expand, StableSecretary allows Jess to customize all her lists. This feature has significantly enhanced her business management, making it a game changer for her operation.