Jessica Dooley spends her days working diligently for international show jumper Elizabeth Gingras, in Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC. Gingras is one of Canada’s most promising riders with dozens of top grand prix finishes earned in both North America and Europe. In 2014 Gingras was named to her first Canadian Show Jumping Team, jumping double clear in her Nations’ Cup debut at CSIO3*-W Bratislava, Slovakia. Dooley works as a barn manger, groom, and a “little bit of everything,” and credits Stable Secretary for saving her time and energy when she needs it the most!
Find out more about this hard working #StableSecretary user in this month’s Stable Secretary Success Story!
Where are you from?
I’m currently based in Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC
What is your current role within the horse industry?
Barn Manager/Groom, and a bit of everything
Can you please tell us about your current equine establishment?
I work for Canadian show jumper, Elizabeth Gingras at New Heights Equestrian. I manage her string of horses, and help oversee the rest of the family’s horses/ponies. We went from a group of 5 horses to a much larger operation when we moved from Calgary, AB to Victoria, BC after Lizzie had her baby, Jacob in Spring 2019. We currently have a 20-stall facility with a wide variety of horses from upper level show jumpers, a few rehab horses, ponies, retired horses, client horses and a former grand prix mare turned broodmare with her first foal at her side.
What are some of your goals for that establishment moving forward?
I’d love to see us back showing on the road again, but still maintaining the home base. It’s been a lot of work to manage our own farm vs dry stall board at someone else’s facility. It’s been a learning curve. I see us being able to take 2-3 horses, and clients to a show one week, back to train with the clients/horses left at home the next week and not miss a beat.
How did you become involved with horses?
My first introduction to horses was trailing riding in Edmonton, Alberta from their I joined a lesson program. Eventually based back in my hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba I continued taking lessons, and started to part board a horse. I bought a horse in barn, showed on the local circuit and went to University. I was a little unsure of where I was going in University, and ended up moving out to Ottawa Ontario to work with horses and groom for a little while until I decided. That was in 2005, I’ve never left the horses since.
Five fun facts about you?
- I hate clipping
- I tore my Achilles tendon at an FEI jog (the horse had to re jog)
- I am always learning new things about horses
- When I was a kid the Canadian show jumping team would layover where I rode in Winnipeg – I thought that was the coolest thing
- Breakfasts at a diner on Mondays are my favourite thing
How did you hear about Stable Secretary?
I went looking for online barn management programs, I’ve tried them all and Stable Secretary was the one that suited my needs.
What do you like the most about Stable Secretary?
Portability! I’ve previously used a paper-based record keeping system, and been hooped when the record book went missing. I also love that they are always looking to add new features, and keep you updated on improvements.
How do you think other farms could benefit from using Stable Secretary?
Access to your records anywhere, the ability to attach documents, reminders for vaccinations and upcoming renewals.