Welcome, Stable Secretary fans!
We want you to know how much we appreciate you and your business, so each month, we will highlight our phenomenal customers in our blog series: Stable Secretary Success Stories.
Molly Mussleman is a Level 1 USPA Certified Polo Instructor, who grew up as an avid polo enthusiast. “Molly eventually started teaching at Texas Christian University with KC Krueger, when the pair needed a third player to build a polo team. They taught polo to those who already had riding experience. She now teaches at Midland Polo Club, where they host a NYTS tournament annually…”
Where are you from?
MM: Midland, Texas
What is your current role within the horse industry?
MM: I help operate our family’s polo operations of 45+ horses and also help run a polo school (kids and adults) of 20+ horses.
How did you become involved with horses?
MM: I was lucky enough to be born into a family that LOVES horses. My life has always been around the barn and I have no idea how to do a “normal” life without horses.
Thank you, mom & dad!
What are five fun facts about you?
1) My best friend and I started the Texas Christian University Polo Team in 2004.
2) I just played in the US open Women Polo tournament in Houston.
3) I have climbed Mt. Kililamjaro
4) I have 5 dogs & a cat
5) I teach kids how to play polo
What do you do when you aren’t at the barn?
MM: Sleep!
How did you hear about Stable Secretary?
MM: I was sharing my thoughts with my Husband (who is a CPA) and he thought there must be a better option than spreadsheets and notebooks for managing a barn. After some quick internet research, I found Stable Secretary and signed up shortly thereafter.
What do you like the most about Stable Secretary?
MM: I am able to update the file for each horse in real time on my iPhone!! I used to have to wait until hours or days to do all my admin/file work. Now on the fly, like when I am with the vet, I can upload all their information easily. It has been a huge game changer and when I get home at night, I can actually relax.